Destinations allows users to route their streams to any platform or destination that accepts SRT or RTMP.
You need an active stream in order to create a Destination.
Go to the Destinations tab and click Add New Destination.
You can also click on the Outputs tab under your stream and click Add Destination.
Give the destination a Name.
Click on the Stream Name dropdown menu and select the stream you want to use.
Stream Encoders allow multiple sources to send to the same VVCR stream simultaneously. This requires at least two instances on the cluster.
Once the encoders are set up in stream settings, you can switch between the Primary and Backup on the Stream Encoder menu.
If the stream has multiple audio tracks, click on the Audio Track dropdown menu and select the track you want to be sent out with the stream.
Pick your Output Type:
RTMP Push: This is used for most social media platforms or any destination that provides an RTMP Stream URL and Stream Key.
SRT Caller: Use this for a destination that provides an SRT IP Address and Port Number.
VVCR Stream: Use this to take a VVCR stream and route it to a second VVCR stream.
Paste in your Stream URL/IP Address and Stream Key/Port Number from your destination.
If you select RTMP Push, choose your Authorization Schema.
Most platforms don’t require any authorization, so you’ll usually select None.
Select Default for platforms that require a username and password like Wowza Cloud.
Use Periscope when streaming to Twitter.
VVCR also supports authorization for Akamai, Limelight, and Nimble.
Check Enable Transcoding under Transcoding Settings if you want to change the resolution of the stream.
You need to have transcoding enabled on the cluster and stream to access this feature.
Check the Start Stream Immediately button to start the stream as soon as you press Save.
Press the Play Button in the destination tab to start pushing the stream.
Press the Stop Button when you’re ready to stop the stream.
Make sure to end the stream on the platform side first before ending the VVCR destination.
Click here to learn more about Primary and Backup Encoders.
Click here to learn more about Multichannel Audio for Destinations.
Click here to learn more about Authorization Schemas.