Before getting started, LiveU support will need to configure a NDI Discovery Server and an AWS Server. The AWS server needs to be connected to your LiveU Central account and the NDI Discovery Server.
Once both servers are configured and running on AWS, go to LiveU Central and select your LiveU device.
Click the Channel dropdown menu and select your AWS Server. The feed should appear in the preview window. Now LiveU is sending to the cloud.
Go to VVCR and create a Production Module.
Once your instance is active, connect to your instance through Parsec.
Open NDI Access Manager.
Click Advanced.
Use Discovery Server should be toggled on. VVCR automatically spins up a Discovery Server when you create a Production Module.
Replace the Discovery Server IP Address with the IP Address of the Discovery Server that LiveU is connected to.
To check if your production module is receiving the stream, go to NDI Studio Monitor.
Click on the three lines in the top left corner.
You’ll see the IP address and Server name of all NDI feeds you're receiving. Click the LiveU feed and it will appear in the preview window.
Now open vMix, click on Add Input select NDI/Desktop Capture, and select your LiveU feed.
Click here to learn how to create a Production Module.
Click here to learn more about using NDI with Production Module.